

Copac is a registered trademark of The University of Manchester and is funded by JISC to provide a service to the UK community based on an agreement with RLUK.
Copac exhibits rare and unique research material, bringing together the catalogs of the main British and Irish libraries.
In a single search, you can discover holdings of UK national libraries (including the British Library), many university libraries and specialist research libraries.
Researchers and educators use Copac to save time in their research, to quickly and easily discover and locate resources, verify document details, review materials in their field, and assess the rarity of materials and a unique set of high-end information quality.
Using Copac means you're searching a wide and varied range of library catalogues, from the collections of Oxford and Cambridge Universities to the National Trust and Royal Botanic Gardens Kew libraries.
Copac's collaborators range from conservatories to catalogs of the main collections in Russia and Eastern Europe.
We are adding more libraries all the time with a focus on specialized research collections, such as the Middle Institute Library and Institution of Engineers Engineers Library, increasing the visibility of a growing range of specialized and rare materials.



The Network of University Libraries of Spain (REBIUN) has been a sectoral committee of the Conference of Spanish Universities Rectors (CRUE) since 1998.
Since its creation, on the initiative of a group of library directors in 1988, REBIUN has been a stable body in which all Spanish scientific and university libraries are represented.
REBIUN is made up of the libraries of the 76 member universities of CRUE (50 public universities and 26 private universities) and of the CSIC (Higher Council  for Scientific Research).

SUDOC (L'ABES): http:

L'Abes, is a State operator at the service of documentation professionals and is located in Montpellier, the Bibliographic Agency for Higher Education (ABES) is a public institution of an administrative nature created in 1994 by inter-ministerial decree to implement the Sudoc System - University of documentation, collective catalog of higher educational libraries.
Under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, it is administered by a Board of Directors.
Since 2008, its guidelines have been reflected in the framework of a Scientific Council. It is mainly through the committee "Reporting and Information Systems" of the ADBU that the dialogue is established with the documentation establishments of the ESR.
Its director is appointed by the Minister for a renewable term of three years and more than 80 people make up the staff, mainly library staff and computer specialists.
L'Abes is part of the coordination mechanism of the Digital Scientific Library-BSN.
Following the structuring lines of this infrastructure, it coordinates with other operators so that its service offers are not redundant according to the communities served (higher education / research).
The University System of Documentation catalog is a French collective catalog produced by libraries and documentation centers for higher education and research. It contains more than 12 million bibliographic records describing all types of documents (books, theses, magazines, electronic resources, audiovisual documents, microforms, maps, partitions, manuscripts and old books...).
The Sudoc catalog also describes the magazine and newspaper collections of around 2000 non-higher education institutions (municipal libraries, documentation centers, etc.)