Indexing directory and impact factor calculation of international scientific research journals.
Academic Scientific Journals - Association of Universities
CZ3 - Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek comprises 87,185 titles. 54,411 journals that are free access to the full text.
Universidade Regensburg - Alemanha

Directory of Open Access Policies of Brazilian Scientific Journals.
Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology - Ministry of Science and Technology - Brazil

It is an Indexing Database of international scientific journals in the medical field covering several specialties and in several languages with free access to the text of the scientific article.

It is an indexing base that also calculates the impact factor of internationally renowned journals in a quantitative and qualitative way, considering peer review, originality, scientific quality, technical editing quality, editorial quality and regularity.
Universal Digital Object Information - India

It is an indexing base of scientific journals of international excellence and which also performs the calculation of the impact factor quantitatively and qualitatively, carrying out the analysis considering factors such as peer review, originality, scientific quality, quality of technical editing , editorial quality, regularity, in order to consolidate the journal's international scientific prestige.
Institute for Information Resources - Australia

Company - United States

International Impact Factor Services - founded by a group of 70 scientists from different countries in different areas of knowledge, with the specific objective of providing quality information to researchers around the world. Performs quantitative and qualitative evaluation of journals to categorize excellence. And this evaluation is carried out considering several factors such as paper, originality, citation, editorial quality, regularity and international presence.
International Impact Factor Services (IIFS) - International Community.

Journal Index provides online access to more than 9390 scientific journals.
Akademik Dizin - Turkey

It is an organization formed by an independent group of researchers of international relevance that provides a means of access to quality journals evaluated by the Jour Informatics Rating based on different critical analytical parameters.

It is an Indexing Base of scientific journals from various areas of knowledge in different languages and from various databases with free access to the scientific text.

JOURNALTOCS is an index base of the Institute for Computer-Based Learning at the Heriot-Watt School of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University Edinburgh in the UK.
University Edinburgh - United Kingdom

Information system on scientific, technical, professional, scientific and cultural research journals published in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal.
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico - Mexico

Nuclear Knowledge Portal, Nuclear Information Center.
National Nuclear Energy Commission - Brazil

Information Matrix for the analysis of scientific journals performs the indexing of scientific journals and calculates the ICDS value.
Department of Librarianship and Documentation at the University of Barcelona/Catalonia - Spain

Capes Periodicals portal is a virtual library that brings together and makes available to teaching and research institutions in Brazil the best of international scientific production.
Coordination of Higher Education Personnel - Ministry of Education - Brazil

The Electronic Journal Publishing System Portal - SEER - recommended by CAPES, whose editorial process at SEER allows for an assessment of the quality of journals and a faster flow of information. SEER sets international editorial standards for 100% electronic journals.
Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology - Ministry of Science and Technology - Brazil

It is an Indexing Database for scientific journals that also calculates the impact factor, based on quantitative and qualitative criteria such as originality, citation, editorial quality, regularity, and international presence. The Scientific Indexing Service is managed by a group of 70 researchers from different countries and disciplines.
Scientific Indexing Service

It is an indexing base that also calculates the impact factor of international standard journals, with criteria based on scientific quality, journal internationalization, stability, technical quality, editorial quality and ease of use from the journal's website.
INNO SPACE - Morocco

It is an indexing base and also calculates the impact factor quantitatively and qualitatively in order to assess and categorize journals and their academic excellence and the assessment is carried out considering factors such as peer review, originality, scientific quality, quality of technical editing, editorial quality and regularity.

The Brazilian Open Access Portal is a multidisciplinary search engine that allows free access to the scientific production of authors linked to Brazilian universities and research institutes.
Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology - Ministry of Science and Technology - Brazil

It is an indexing base that measures the frequency with which the journal article was cited in a given period of time. Within the scientific community, the journal's impact factor has come to play an important quality indicator for journals. The UIF focuses on citation indexing, citation analysis, and maintains a database covering thousands of academic journals.
UNIVERSAL IMPACT FACTOR - Scientifically derived Journal Impact Factor

The Qualis system, with free access, stores a portal of scientific journals, criteria and concepts (A1, A2, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 and C) attributed to journals by different areas of knowledge.
Coordination of Higher Education Personnel - Ministry of Education - Brazil