Attitude of men and women in relation to nutrition, life style and physical activity of individuals involved with body weight reduction
The objective of the present work was to identify attitudes in relation to physical activity, nutrition and quality of life that could help in body fat mass reduction. Ninety subjects participated of this study (50 male, 40 female, 17-55 years old. For data collection it was used a questionnaire. In relation to the physical activity it was observed that most of the subjects present more than one year of practice (49) with a frequency of 4 or more times per week (49). With the subjects on the number of meals a day and water ingestion, obtained a larger number who makes 4 or more meals a day (48) and who ingests more than 6 glasses of water a day (41). It was verified with the treatments for weight loss, that the most used for this purpose is the physical exercise (73), following by the nutritional orientation (30) and medicines (21). The profile obtained regarding the psychological aspects, it showed that most is shown anxious (66), agitated (46) and nervous (31). We verified that the participants of this study are healthy active people, that practice physical activity frequently, try to have a healthy alimentary habits, who look for knowledge about nutrition, who are in a constant search of a perfect healthy body, however, they are people affected psychologically for the lifestyle that they take.
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