Inquiry of factors of cardiovascular risk in pertaining to school of both the sorts of band etária of 10 the 15 years of the city of NOVO MUNDO - MS

  • Sandro Mácio Ströher Programa de pós-graduação Lato Sensu em Fisiologia do Exercí­cio - Prescrição de Exercí­cio da Universidade Gama Filho. Licenciado e Bacharel em Educação Fí­sica pela Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná - Unioeste
  • Antonio Coppi Navarro Programa de pós-graduação Lato Sensu em Fisiologia do Exercí­cio - Prescrição de Exercí­cio da Universidade Gama Filho
Keywords: Cardiovascular risk factors, Blood pressure, BMI, Body mass index, Waist hip ratio


Objective: To investigate factors of cardiovascular risk in pertaining to school of both the sorts of the etária band of 10 the 15 years of the city of New World - MS. Materials and methods: The sample was selected of accidental probabilistic form and consisted of 40 pertaining to school, being 18 of masculine sort and 22 of the feminine sort. Stature, corporal mass, sort, age, physical growth, index of the corporal mass, relation waist-hip and arterial pressure had been evaluated. Results: The results indicate that 5% of the sample classify as bordering in relation the arterial pressure; 7.5% meet with overweight and 15% are obesity in relation to the Index of Corporal Mass; It enters the told illnesses more meet hypertension with 38 citations, obesities and diabetes with 22 citations each; it had significant correlations between sistólica arterial pressure and index of the corporal mass; sistólica arterial pressure and circumference of the hip for all the sample and both the sorts and of sistólica arterial pressure and circumference of the waist for the masculine sort. One concludes that pertaining to school of 10 the 15 years of both the sorts present cardiovascular factors of risk and that it has urgent necessity of an intervention in the style of life of these pertaining to school to prevent an association between geneticsand factors that can be prevented or be brightened up with a more active life, such with obesities, diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, etc.


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How to Cite
Ströher, S. M., & Navarro, A. C. (2011). Inquiry of factors of cardiovascular risk in pertaining to school of both the sorts of band etária of 10 the 15 years of the city of NOVO MUNDO - MS. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 2(10). Retrieved from
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