Cardiorespiratory capacity of school in Florianopolis
Evidences indicate that cardiorespiratory fitness is an important component related to health. A low cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with the development of cardiovascular diseases. The aim of the research was to evaluate the cardiorespiratory fitness in schoolchildren seven to ten years old, from public schools in Florianópolis. The sample consisted of 91 students of both gender from Florianópolis. Body mass and height were measured to calculate BMI. Cardiorespiratory fitness was measured through the 20 meters shuttle run test. Results showed VO2máx values of 43.40 ± 3.098 age 07; of 43.34 ± 3.744 age 08; of 44.48 ± 3.008 age 09; and 45.58 ± 2.731 age 10. The values are in agreementwith the reference values to this age group. There was no significant difference between genders (p <0.05). With increasing age there was an increase in VO2máx. In conclusion, the values of VO2máx appear as expected for the schoolchildren of Florianópolis, in each age group and the 20 meters shuttle run test is an appropriate test to measure cardiovascular fitness in the school environment.
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