Functional physical fitness related to chronic non-communicable diseases in rural residents
This study aimed to determine the level of functional physical fitness (FPF) and their relationship with the incidence of major chronic non-communicable diseases and anthropometric parameters of men and women, aged 40-65 years old, users of a Basic Unit Health's, of rural zone. The study group was composed of 33 volunteers, 14 males and 19 females. Incidence of hypertension and diabetes mellitus was found from the analysis of records, and anthropometric parameters, level of FPF and educational level were observed in the basic unit health's. The results showed high rates of overweight and obesity, in addition, there was a reduction of FPF as a function of increasing age and obesity. In this way the rates of overweight and obesity study group are above average and the age and obesity are factors that restrict the FPF of the study group. Will be made a report to the team this basic unit health's about the health conditions of the subjects and guidelines for physical exercise.
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