Motivational Differences between Tai Chi Chuan Practitioners

  • Jorge Manuel de Sousa Magalhães Rodrigues Institute of Biomedical Sciences of Oporto University - ICBAS. Investigation Department of the School of Chinese Martial Arts She-si.
  • Mariana Isabel Costa Pinto Mestre Institute of Biomedical Sciences of Oporto University - ICBAS. Faculty of Medicine of Oporto University - FMUP.
Keywords: Motivation, Athletes, Leisure Activities, Martial Arts


With this simple research we tried to understand what motivates people for the practice of Tai Chi Chuan and the differences between competition and leisure practitioners. The Participation Motivation Questionnaire (P.M.Q.) was carried out on 16 participants and, for the treatment of the data, we used Mann-Whitney test with the objective of unveiling a little about: 1) What may be the major and minor motivations of Tai Chi Chuan practitioners? 2) Do this motivations seem to differ between competition and leisure practitioners? Generally, it was verified a favourable pattern in the relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic motivations of both kinds of practitioners. However, some differences were suggested. Athletes seem to put more focus in the development of skills but not competition itself, while leisure practitioners aim, above all, for health and fitness, not considering fun and pastime a main motivational aspect.

Author Biographies

Jorge Manuel de Sousa Magalhães Rodrigues, Institute of Biomedical Sciences of Oporto University - ICBAS. Investigation Department of the School of Chinese Martial Arts She-si.

Practitioner of Wushu since 2000, Multiple times National and International Kung-fu and Tai Chi Chuan champion. Degree in Physical Education and Sports at Superior Institute of Maia - ISMAI, further postgraduate training in Motor Development and Sports Training. Specialization in Traditional Chinese Medicine at Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar, Oporto University - ICBAS.

Mariana Isabel Costa Pinto Mestre, Institute of Biomedical Sciences of Oporto University - ICBAS. Faculty of Medicine of Oporto University - FMUP.

Former practitioner of Wushu. Master's Degree in Dental Medicine at Faculty of Dental Medicine of Oporto University - FMUP. Specialization in Traditional Chinese Medicine at Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar, Oporto University - ICBAS.


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How to Cite
Rodrigues, J. M. de S. M., & Mestre, M. I. C. P. (2017). Motivational Differences between Tai Chi Chuan Practitioners. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 11(65), 248-253. Retrieved from
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