Electromyographic study of the mae-geri stroke

  • Abraham Lincoln de Paula Rodrigues Laboratório de Biomecânica da Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Filipe Castelo De Oliveira Laboratório de Biomecânica da Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Túlio Luiz Banja Laboratório de Biomecânica da Universidade Federal do Ceará


The surface electromyography can show the quality of muscle coordination, through it, we can verify the existence of disparities between the dominant and non-dominant limb of an individual. The mae-geri is a technique used by many karateka thus analyze the activation of the muscles involved in the movement makes it important to understand the biomechanical aspects involved in making the coup. The aim of the study was to analyze through EMG behavior of the main muscles involved in mae-geri blow. The study included four karatekas aged between half past six p.m. years. The activation of the rectus femoris and biceps femoris in 4 athletes showed distinct patterns in relation to the activation time and amplitude of the signal, however, it was observed in all athletes activation of two muscles together. The paired t-test showed a significant difference (p=0.006) for the rectus femoris muscle between the dominant and non-dominant, but in relation to the biceps femoris muscle were no significant differences (p=0.186). It was concluded that co-contraction is a factor in mae-geri, which can lead to joint stiffness, and thus reduce the strength and power of the kick. It was possible to identify differences in the mean amplitude of the electromyographic signal between the dominant and non-dominant limb. The negative values found in the ISB, and the test results paired t comparing the rectus femoris between the dominant and non-dominant limb, may indicate the existence of asymmetries related to the dominant and nondominant of karateka.


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How to Cite
Rodrigues, A. L. de P., De Oliveira, F. C., & Banja, T. L. (2017). Electromyographic study of the mae-geri stroke. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 11(65), 261-268. Retrieved from https://www.rbpfex.com.br/index.php/rbpfex/article/view/1116
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