Incidence of deaths provoked by illnesses of circulative system circulative and the practical one of the physical exercise in the state of the Espírito Santo

  • Daniel Nogueira Folador SVO - Sistema de Verificação de óbito - Vitória - Espí­rito Santo
  • Newton Nunes Incor/UFSP - São Paulo
Keywords: Quality of life, Cardiac rehabilitation, Sedentary lifestyle


This study epidemiological of hallmark exploratory and descriptive, unpublished in the State of the Espírito Santo, appeared of the interest in discussing the incidence of deaths for diseases of the circulative system and the physical exercise. Analyze the incidence of death and it detaches the type and the age of the investigated population, which does not present habits of physical exercise. Like instrument of collection of data, there was used the questionnaire base of the System of Checking of Death (SVO) located in the hospital of the Military Police (HPM) of Vitória. The individuals of both sexes who evolved to exempt death of extern factor when they took place in any state it points what of 643 deaths investigated in the period of 2006 and 2007, phase of realization of this inquiry, 25 % took as a real cause of death, diseases of the circulative system. It ends that the individuals who were not practicing physical exercise came to die with age between 40 and 49 years, corresponding to 6,3 % and those who were practicing physical exercise died with 80 years corresponding to 20 % of the investigated sample.


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How to Cite
Folador, D. N., & Nunes, N. (2011). Incidence of deaths provoked by illnesses of circulative system circulative and the practical one of the physical exercise in the state of the Espírito Santo. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 2(11). Retrieved from
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