Nutritional knowledge, dietary profile and body composition of college football players
Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between nutritional knowledge, body composition and food profile of college football players. Methods: Sixteen college male players took part of this study as subjects, aging between 18 and 30 years. Weight, height and skinfold thickness (triceps, subscapularis, pectoralis, supra-abdominal, thigh and medial calf) were assessed. In order to measure the nutritional knowledge of athletes, a nutritional knowledge questionnaire (NKQ), validated and adapted to Brazil. The food profile was analyzed by using the SISVAN food frequency questionnaire. To evaluate the correlation between the study variables, the Person test was used, with a level of significance (≤ 0.05). Main results: In terms of nutritional knowledge, the sample was classified as of moderate knowledge. As for their food profile, it presents a frequent consumption of non-food (food with low nutrition facts). The percentage values of fat are within the normal range. The study did not reveal a correlation between nutritional knowledge, food profile and body composition. Conclusion: The lack of a significant correlation between nutritional knowledge, body composition and food profile, suggests that, alone, nutritional knowledge does not influence body composition and food profile of the group analyzed.
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