Antropometry and muscular force of hemophilic individuals of the city of João Pessoa-PB

  • Moisés Arcanjo Targino Júºnior Centro Universitário de João Pessoa (UNIPÊ), João Pessoa-PB, Brasil.
  • Marcos Antonio de Araújo Leite Filho Centro Universitário de João Pessoa (UNIPÊ), João Pessoa-PB, Brasil.
  • Ramon Cunha Montenegro Centro Universitário de João Pessoa (UNIPÊ), João Pessoa-PB, Brasil.
  • Eric Lucena Barbosa Centro Universitário de João Pessoa (UNIPÊ), João Pessoa-PB, Brasil.


Introduction: Coagulopathies do not reach a large part of the general population, but those affected by these pathologies may present physiological, psychological and social changes, generating great consequences, among them the reduction of muscle strength levels (NFM) and quality of life (QV). Objective: to evaluate the anthropometry and muscular strength of individuals with hemophilia in the city of João Pessoa-PB. Methodology: The research is descriptive, comparative and transversal. A group of 20 individuals participated, 10 (men) suffering from hemophilia A, and 10 men without hereditary conditions (G2), aged between 18 and 26 years. For the anthropometric evaluation, the InBody 720 System was used. The Smedley® brand analog dynamometer was used as the protocol for the evaluation of muscle strength. We also used the Smedley® brand T16-K dynamometer III to evaluate the ISIII strength levels of LLLs. For the data analysis, the Shapiro-Wilk test was used to verify the normality of the variables and the Mann-Whitney U test with p <0.05. Results: No significant differences were found between the two groups in any of the variables analyzed in the study. It was identified that G1 was higher than G2 in relation to fat percentage (G1 = 17.8%, G2 = 12.6%), fat mass (G1 = 10.9 kg, G2 = 8.5 kg) And visceral fat (G1 = 47.9 kg; G2 = 34.6 kg), however, no significant differences were identified. Conclusion: There are no significant differences between hemophiliacs and healthy individuals in relation to body composition and isometric muscle strength.

Author Biographies

Moisés Arcanjo Targino Júºnior, Centro Universitário de João Pessoa (UNIPÊ), João Pessoa-PB, Brasil.

Profissional de Educação Fí­sica. Membro do Laboratório de Avaliação Fí­sica do Unipê.

Marcos Antonio de Araújo Leite Filho, Centro Universitário de João Pessoa (UNIPÊ), João Pessoa-PB, Brasil.

Prof. Dr. do Departamento de Educação Fí­sica do Unipê.

Ramon Cunha Montenegro, Centro Universitário de João Pessoa (UNIPÊ), João Pessoa-PB, Brasil.

Prof. Dr. do Departamento de Educação Fí­sica do Unipê. Coordenador do Laboratorio de Avaliação Fí­sica do Unipê.

Eric Lucena Barbosa, Centro Universitário de João Pessoa (UNIPÊ), João Pessoa-PB, Brasil.

Prof. Dr. do Departamento de Educação Fí­sica do Unipê. Coordenador Adjunto do Curso de Educação Física do Unipê.


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How to Cite
Targino Júºnior, M. A., Leite Filho, M. A. de A., Montenegro, R. C., & Barbosa, E. L. (2017). Antropometry and muscular force of hemophilic individuals of the city of João Pessoa-PB. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 11(69), 743-747. Retrieved from
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