Fencers morphophysiological profile after 12 weeks of training

  • Oswado de Almeida Monteiro Laboratório de Bioquí­mica e Fisiologia do Exercí­cio, Faculdade Dom Bosco, Campus Mercês, Curitiba-PR, Brasil.
  • Marcelo Romanovitch Ribas Laboratório de Bioquí­mica e Fisiologia do Exercí­cio, Faculdade Dom Bosco, Campus Mercês, Curitiba-PR, Brasil.
  • Nelson Wasch Junior Laboratório de Bioquí­mica e Fisiologia do Exercí­cio, Faculdade Dom Bosco, Campus Mercês, Curitiba-PR, Brasil.


The present study aimed to determine the female fencers morphophysiological profile, after 12 weeks of periodized training. The sample consisted in four female fencing athletes with 25.4 ± 4.35 years, training 5 days a week with 3 hours per day. The athletes were submitted to two anthropometric evaluations, one pre and other post-training of 12 weeks. These evaluations included the following measurements: total body mass, stature, wingspan, fat percentage, localized muscular resistance biomotors tests, arm and abdominal flexion in 1 minute. The data were tabulated and statistically evaluated by means of the median, first and third quartiles, amplitude (minimum and maximum), interquartile range and coefficient of variation (CV). The statistical difference was established by the non parametric Mann - Whitney (p<0.05), calculated in the software Bio State 5.0, year 2007. The total body mass showed an increase of 3.7% from the first to the second evaluation, due to lean mass increase 7.3%, decrease in fat mass 4.9% and fat percentage 9.5%. The skinfolds that had the most changes in their thickness were pectoral folds 42.9% and axillary mean 20.5%. The arm and abdominal flexion tests in 1 min showed an increase in skeletal muscle strength of 29.9% and 13.4%, respectively. Therefore, the data suggest an improvement in the performance of the athletes after twelve weeks where the periodization training occurred.

Author Biographies

Oswado de Almeida Monteiro, Laboratório de Bioquí­mica e Fisiologia do Exercí­cio, Faculdade Dom Bosco, Campus Mercês, Curitiba-PR, Brasil.

Laboratório de Bioquí­mica e Fisiologia do Exercício - Faculdade Dom Bosco - Campus Mercês - Curitiba - PR

Marcelo Romanovitch Ribas, Laboratório de Bioquí­mica e Fisiologia do Exercí­cio, Faculdade Dom Bosco, Campus Mercês, Curitiba-PR, Brasil.

Coordenador do Laboratório de Bioquí­mica e Fisiologia do Exercí­cio - Faculdade Dom Bosco - Campus Mercês - Curitiba - PR

Nelson Wasch Junior, Laboratório de Bioquí­mica e Fisiologia do Exercí­cio, Faculdade Dom Bosco, Campus Mercês, Curitiba-PR, Brasil.

Laboratório de Bioquí­mica e Fisiologia do Exercí­cio - Faculdade Dom Bosco - Campus Mercês - Curitiba - PR


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How to Cite
Monteiro, O. de A., Ribas, M. R., & Junior, N. W. (2017). Fencers morphophysiological profile after 12 weeks of training. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 11(69), 748-755. Retrieved from https://www.rbpfex.com.br/index.php/rbpfex/article/view/1264
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