Index of corporal mass in children with age enters 6-10 years of public schools in the city of Quatro Barras - PR
Currently, the number of children with obesity has grown very, due to me the feeding and style of life. The objective of the study is to trace a anthropometric profile of the children with age between 6-10 years, students in public schools in the City of Four Bars, through the Index of Corporal Mass (IMC). The research is characterized as a descriptive research with transversal desenvolvimental study. The population of the N=538 study children with age between 6 and 10 years of two municipal schools of the city of Four Bars - PR that is in the region metropolitan of Curitiba, of these had been selected a sample n=271 children, being 136 girls and 135 boys. A collection only of measures in the start of the school year of 2008 was carried through. The study it is delimited in the dependent 0 variable of weight, height and BMI. The data had been analyzed by the descriptive, average statistics and shunting line standard. The children with age between 6 and 7 years, had not gotten great alterations in the BMI in relation to the considered number normal, already the children with 8 years, had presented a bigger index in the picture with obesity and above of the weight. She observes yourself that the index of children above of the weight is really a little more raised, and what we can observe, that children with 9 years of age, are below of the weight adjusted for the age. As it does not run away very from the accepted standard as normal for children of the age, no type of intervention in relation will not be necessary the carried through feeding and physical activity.
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