Body roundness index: relation with traditional methods of predicting body fat in bodybuilders
Introduction: New indexes and formulas have recently been developed to estimate, in an easy and practical way, the percentage of fat. Objective: To analyze the accuracy of body roundness index (BRI) compared to traditional methods in the ratio of body fat percentage in bodybuilding athletes. Method: a cross-sectional study of 25 male athletes participating in a bodybuilding championship. Anthropometric data were collected, estimates of percent body fat were compared between methods with statistical inference. Results: According to BRI categorization, 28% of the athletes ranked 16 to 19%; 36% were classified with 19.1 to 21% and also of 21.1 to 28% of body fat. There was an association of BRI with Body Mass Index (BMI) and bodybuilding practice time. Conclusion: BRI when compared to traditional methods was not adequate to estimate the percentage of body fat in bodybuilders.
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