Evaluation of the aerobic capacity and power of amazon taekwondo athletes in a specific test

  • Francisco Fernandes dos Santos ENAF- Desenvolvimento Serviços Educacionais
  • Jader Sant' Ana Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianópolis-SC, Brasil.
  • Reginaldo Souza de Carvalho ENAF- Desenvolvimento Serviços Educacionais
  • Euliene Catil da Silva ENAF- Desenvolvimento Serviços Educacionais.
  • Eduardo Leal da Costa ENAF- Desenvolvimento Serviços Educacionais
Keywords: Specific assessment, Aerobic capacity, Aerobic power, Taekwondo


Introduction: Taekowndo is an intermittent sport, with a predominance of aerobic metabolism for energy supply, interspersed with anaerobic stimuli, with high-intensity actions during combat. Objective: to evaluate specific indicators of aerobic capacity, frequency of heart rate deflection point kicks (PDFC) and aerobic power, maximum kick frequency (HRHMax), from the Specific Progressive Test for Taekwondo Practitioners (TET). Materials and Methods: 12 male athletes participated, 5 blue belts and 7 black belts (age 21 ± 4 years, height 170 ± 5 cm, body mass 68.94 ± 10.62 kg, fat mass 11.67 ± 2, 72 %F, lean mass 60.59 ± 7.48 kg). The subjects underwent two testing sessions. In the first, anthropometric measurements were performed and in the second session, the TET was applied at the Pinheiro Sport Fitness and Martial Arts gym. Mean and standard deviation were used to present the results, the normality of the data were verified using the Shapiro-Wilk test and to compare the performance between the bands, the t student test was used for independent samples. p<0.05 was adopted. Results: there were no significant differences for FCHPDFC (19 ± 4 and 17 ± 2 respectively black and blue bands) and for FCHMax (40 ± 6 and 38 ± 4 respectively black and blue bands). Conclusion: TET is a simple method for determining specific indicators in Taekwondo athletes, and there are no significant differences between black and blue belts submitted to the protocol.

Author Biography

Jader Sant' Ana, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianópolis-SC, Brasil.

É graduado Bacharel em Educação Fí­sica pela Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina-UDESC (2007), pós-graduado em Fisiologia e Prescrição do Exercí­cio pela Universidade Gama Filho-UGF (2010) e Mestre em Educação Fí­sica na área da Biodinâmica do Desempenho Humano pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina-UFSC (2013). Com experiência em Personal Trainer, Musculação, Ginástica, Treinamento de Atletas de Esportes de Combate. É sócio fundador da San Corpore Academia (empresa premiada com o Tí­tulo Medalha de Mérito da Educação Fí­sica pelo CREF/SC - 2011) e recebeu a Medalha a Boa Orientação Faz a Diferença do CREF/SC - 2015. Em pesquisa atua nas áreas relacionadas ao Treinamento Personalizado e Avaliações Neuromusculares e Fisiológicas de Atletas de Esportes de Combate.


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How to Cite
Santos, F. F. dos, Sant’ Ana, J., Carvalho, R. S. de, Silva, E. C. da, & Costa, E. L. da. (2018). Evaluation of the aerobic capacity and power of amazon taekwondo athletes in a specific test. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 12(72), 89-95. Retrieved from https://www.rbpfex.com.br/index.php/rbpfex/article/view/1348
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