Acute physiological effects of continuous and intermittent exercise in obese subjects
The aim of this study was to assess the acute responses of overweight/obese men accordingly to their physical activity levels (PAL) and fitness levels (FL). The subjects performed a progressive test and, afterwards, two exercise sessions: One of them composed by continuous exercise (CE, at 60% of maximal aerobic power, PAM) and the other composed by high-intensity interval training (HIIT, 30s at 120% of maximal aerobic power, 30s of passive recovery). Individuals with higher fitness levels showed lower values of pre-training HR (96.18 ± 10.84 bpm versus 103.14 ± 11.01 bpm, p = 0.04), average HR (127.73 ± 10.54 bpm and 138.50 ± 18.28, p = 0.02) and peak (146.50 ± 15.02 bpm and 158.27 ± 18.96 bpm, p = 0.03) during exercise. Both protocols kept maxim HR close to 80%. However, average training HR (p < 0.05) and maxim oxygen uptake (p < 0.05) were statistically higher in CE. On the other hand, [LAC] was superior at the end of HIIT (p = 0.03), and subjects with lower aerobic fitness levels showed higher values (p < 0.001). CE generated bigger cardiac stress and HIIT generated higher [LAC] levels. Fitness level doesn't seem to be a good predictor of performance in obese men.
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