Knowledge of the manipulation of the methodological variables of strength training among physical education professionals
The search for the resistance training (RT) practice has increased, with goals not only related to health and quality of life, but also for aesthetic purposes. The aim of the present study was to identify the percentage of professionals who have knowledge of the RT methodological variables. The study was composed of 19 physical education professionals, who work in gyms in the City of Castanhal-PA, atending specifically in the weight room, of both genders. An adapted questionnaire with open and closed questions was applied. The questionnaire was subdivided into two topics being "professional training" and "personal perceptions". The results pointed out that many of the teachers are unaware of the adequate manipulation of the methodological variables of RT, which generates controversial, since the literature considers that the metodological variables must be used in a rational way to ensure the desired result. We concluded that, there ir a need to recycle and improve knowledge so that there is a improvement in the performance of these professionals, seeking not only to achieve the goals required by the RT practitioner but also to promote health and quality of life.
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