Physiological, affective and perceptual aspects of protocols adapted for a HIIT program with women

  • Vitor Flenik Guimarães Universidade de Joinville e Região (UNIVILLE), Joinville-SC, Brasil
  • Paulo Henrique Foppa de Almeida Faculdade Bom Jesus/IELUSC, Joinville-SC, Brasil
  • Ruan Feliphe Maresana Universidade de Joinville e Região (UNIVILLE), Joinville-SC, Brasil.
Keywords: HIIT, Feeling of pleasure, Subjective perceived exertion



Researchs shows that 45.9% of the Brazilian population is sedentary, with a majority of women and attributed lack of time as the main cause of not practicing exercise. The objective of this research is look for something like applying HIIT for active people as a way of improving health and fitness in a pleasant and possible way. 13 women with a mean age of 27.77 ± 5.13 years, BMI of 23.30 ± 3.41 kg/m² performed two blocks often series, being the first burpee exercise and the second skipe rope in four different protocols varying the time of exercise and rest time, PSE and the sensation of pleasure were collected after each series. The highest mean heart rate and PSE and the lowest sensation of pleasure were found in TABATA and 2:1 protocols, 1:1 and 1:2 protocols had inverse results. We conclude that a feeling of pleasure during HIIT sessions were inversely proportional to the intensity of the exercise, the greater the intensity of the stimulus, the more unpleasant it will be for the individual. To control an intensity that HIIT requires, one can and will develop the use of frequency meter and PSE scale and always use variations of protocols, exercises and intensities to maintain an adherence of the individual without training. 


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How to Cite
Guimarães, V. F., de Almeida, P. H. F., & Maresana, R. F. (2018). Physiological, affective and perceptual aspects of protocols adapted for a HIIT program with women. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 12(75), 462-470. Retrieved from
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