Behavior of the muscular force through methods of distinct heatings for the test of 1RM

  • Elder Passos Oliveira Programa de pós-graduação Lato Sensu em Musculação e treinamento de força - Universidade Gama Filho (UGF)
  • Anderson de Santana Silveira Programa de pós-graduação Lato Sensu em Musculação e treinamento de força - Universidade Gama Filho (UGF)
  • Luciano Tavares Brito Vieira Programa de pós-graduação Lato Sensu em Musculação e treinamento de força - Universidade Gama Filho (UGF)
  • Alex Souto Maior Departamento de Biomedicina e Fisioterapia - Universidade Plí­nio Leite (UNIPLI/RJ). Departamento de Educação Fí­sica - Centro Universitário da Cidade (UniverCidade)
Keywords: Specific warm-up, Stretching, Strength, 1RM test


The objective of the present study was to verify of that it forms the different methods of warm up could influence in the test of 1 maximum repetition (1RM) in the bench press exercise (BP). The sample was constituted of 12 individuals of the masculine sex, trained it has at least 12 months and all had been submitted to the different methods of warm up. The collection consisted of 8 days not-consecutive for the application of the tests, with interval of 48h it enters the days for accomplishment of the test and retest. The individuals had been submitted to the test of 1RM with the previous application of the specific warm up – Warm. spec (2 series of 15 repetitions with 50% of the corporal weight) for the agonist muscle; warm up of the antagonistic muscle – Warm. Antag (2 series of 15 repetitions with 50% of the corporal weight) in the seated rowed exercise of with the hands in pronation; stretching – Stret (2 series of 15 seconds) of the muscular groups that had acted in the movement and with absence of previous warm ups (control). The beginning of the exercise in both was used two minutes of interval preceding the warm ups. We conclude that difference does not exist statistics for analysis of the level of significance of 5% (a=0,05), for software Graph Pad Prism 5, in the test of 1RM in the bench press exercise through the different protocols of warm up, however warm up of the antagonistic muscle was observed a bigger load mobilization after.


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How to Cite
Oliveira, E. P., Silveira, A. de S., Vieira, L. T. B., & Maior, A. S. (2011). Behavior of the muscular force through methods of distinct heatings for the test of 1RM. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 3(13). Retrieved from
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