Block reach and spike reach of the master volleyball of the category 35 years or more

  • Nelson Kautzner Marques Junior Universidade Castelo Branco (UCB), Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brasil
Keywords: Training, Statistic, Sports techinique, Athletic performance



The objective of the study was to determine the block reach and the spike reach of the male master volleyball of the category 35 years or more. The study was composed by 15 matches or 33 sets of the master volleyball. The matches were filmed behind of the court. After the data collect, the researcher practiced the analysis of the skills with the Kinovea® software and wrote on a scout. Kruskal Wallis Anova did not identify statistical difference between the block reach, H (2) = 0,31, p = 0,85. The block reach had the same result in the new statistic of Cumming (2014). The spike reach had statistical difference by Kruskal Wallis Anova [H (9) = 85,89, p = 0,0001] and by new statistic of Cumming (2014) in only two comparisons. In conclusion, the research about the block reach and the spike reach requires few technological resources and is an important kineanthropometric test performed during the volleyball match.

Author Biography

Nelson Kautzner Marques Junior, Universidade Castelo Branco (UCB), Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brasil

Mestre em Ciência da Motricidade Humana pela UCB do RJ, Brasil


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How to Cite
Marques Junior, N. K. (2018). Block reach and spike reach of the master volleyball of the category 35 years or more. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 12(77), 662-674. Retrieved from
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