Etiology of the sportive injuries: A transverse study

  • Bruno Lippo Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato-Sensu em Fisiologia do Exercí­cio - Prescrição do Exercí­cio da Universidade Gama Filho - UGF
  • Marcelo Salazar Hospital das Clí­nicas da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco HCUFPE
Keywords: Injuries, Sports, Knee, Prescription, Soccer


Sportive injuries does happens by multiple factors, sometimes it can be prevented by the level of knowledgement of the professional involved in the physical training or handling of the student or athlete. The present research consists of explaining some mechanisms that causes physical injuries, and it has the objective of, throughout a transverse study with a descriptive and qualitative analysis of injured patients in a physiotherapy clinic, identify its incidence in the main sportive activities and where they occurred in the body. The sample basis constituted of 210 patients: one hundred eighty two (182) or 86.7% off all them were constituted of masculine sex and twenty-eight (28) or 13.3% of all where from the feminine sex. Fifteen different sports had been found and the biggest incidence of sportive injuries was found in soccer activity, which represented 65.2 % of all registered incidences. The most affected body area where occurrences were found was the knee, which registered 70% of all sportive activities. The conclusion of the research was that the ideal for training and practicing sportive activities is to have a physical education professional expert accompaniment because he is the only one that knows exactly which training methods should be adjusted for each person.


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How to Cite
Lippo, B., & Salazar, M. (2011). Etiology of the sportive injuries: A transverse study. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 1(2). Retrieved from
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