The influence of partial range of motion repetitions, following momentary concentric failure, on increased strength and muscular resistance in physically active individuals

  • Eduardo Henrique Germano Pereira Universidade Vale do Rio Verde (UNINCOR), Três Corações-MG
  • Elisiane Naves Coelho Universidade Vale do Rio Verde (UNINCOR), Três Corações-MG
  • Filipe Gabriel Ferreira Universidade Vale do Rio Verde (UNINCOR), Três Corações-MG
  • Anderson Ranieri Massahud Universidade Vale do Rio Verde (UNINCOR), Três Corações-MG
Keywords: Resistance training, Partial repetitions, Muscle fatigue


The use of various methods in resistance training is increasing. One of the methods that has aroused scientific interest is the methods of partial range of motion repetitions. In this type of training, after reaching concentric voluntary failure, individuals perform repetitions with less joint amplitude. The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of the present method on the increase of strength and localized muscular resistance, being a randomized controlled clinical study of double blind, comparative purpose on quantitative aspects based on the results of two tests. The sample consisted of 20 physically active individuals, drawn in 2 groups, (A and B) containing 10 individuals each, who were submitted to 4 weeks of resistance training. Group B used the partial range of motion repetitions method, while group A used the full-amplitude movements after the concentric failure. The data were collected through 2 tests, the muscle resistance test located for upper limbs (arm flexion) and Medicine Ball throw before and after the 4 weeks of training, being analyzed statistically by Student's T test after this period. There was a significant difference for throwing Medicine Ball, but there was no improvement in muscular endurance. At the end, it was concluded that the partial range of motion repetitions method promoted improvement in the throwing of Medicine Ball, being able to be associated with strength, but not in muscle resistance for upper limbs.

Author Biographies

Eduardo Henrique Germano Pereira, Universidade Vale do Rio Verde (UNINCOR), Três Corações-MG


Anderson Ranieri Massahud, Universidade Vale do Rio Verde (UNINCOR), Três Corações-MG

Gruaduado em Educação Fí­sica, docente do curso de Educação Fí­sica - Unincor, mestrando em ciências da reabilitação.


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How to Cite
Pereira, E. H. G., Coelho, E. N., Ferreira, F. G., & Massahud, A. R. (2018). The influence of partial range of motion repetitions, following momentary concentric failure, on increased strength and muscular resistance in physically active individuals. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 12(78), 869-878. Retrieved from
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