Nutritional assessment of teenagers who practice track and field

  • Arissa Matsuyama Okuizumi Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo-SP, Brasil
  • Letí­cia Leal dos Santos Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo-SP, Brasil
  • Sophia de Araujo Rocha Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo-SP, Brasil
  • Giovanna de Araujo Conde Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo-SP, Brasil
  • Andressa Azmann Sacconi Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo-SP, Brasil
  • Marcia Nacif Pinheiro Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo-SP, Brasil
Keywords: Adolescent, Athletics, Nutricional assessment


Introduction: Increasingly earlier, the practice of sports has been inserted in the life of adolescents, with the main purpose of socialization and citizenship. One of the modalities that is been practiced is track and field. For having a good performance, the athlete must be able to maintain an adequate body composition and a healthy diet. Objective: To evaluate the corporal capacity and the alimentary consumption of adolescents practicing track and field. Methods: Cross-sectional study with adolescents of both sexes, athletes, in Osasco. For evaluation of nutritional status, weight, height, body circumference and skinfolds were collected. Food consumption was measured in the application of a habitual food register. The total caloric value of the diet, macronutrients, and calcium and iron minerals were calculated using Avanutri® Software version 4.0. Results: 18 adolescents with a mean age of 15 years (± 0.38) were evaluated, of which 10 (55.56%) were female and 8 (44.44%) were male. It was found that twice (11.11%) were at risk of overweight according to BMI and two athletes for the high percentage of body fat. No one has presented cardiovascular risk, second waist circumference. Regarding food consumption, it was observed that many adolescents present inadequate energy and macronutrient consumption. The prevalence of calcium inadequacy was high in all ages and sexes. Conclusion: It is suggested the nutritional monitoring of the athletic team to ensure a good nutritional status, benefiting the health and performance of young athletes.


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How to Cite
Okuizumi, A. M., dos Santos, L. L., Rocha, S. de A., Conde, G. de A., Sacconi, A. A., & Pinheiro, M. N. (2019). Nutritional assessment of teenagers who practice track and field. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 12(80), 1130-1137. Retrieved from
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