Analysis of anthropometric variables of 100 meter racing practicers in the olympic experimental gym (geo) of the rio de janeiro city: a retrospective study
Considering this expansion, the City of Rio de Janeiro created, through Decree No. 35,261, of March 19, 2012, the Olympic Experimental Gymnasium (GEO), which includes students from the 6th to the 9th grade. Athletics sport is one of the classic sports modalities of Physical Education, the same has existed since the Olympic Games of Ancient Greece. The study aimed to identify the effectiveness of a training applied by the GEO on the physical fitness of students practicing the athletics 100 meters run mode. Fifty-one students, aged 11 to 15, participated in the study. For the comparative analysis between the different groups, the Kruskall Wallis non-parametric test was applied and the non-parametric Wilcoxon test was applied for intragroup comparative analysis (pre-post). Vertical impulsion showed significant improvement in the evaluated modality, both in the weekly frequency of 3x and 5x per week, reinforcing the fact that in the studied age groups the proposed training was effective. Vertical drive or "Sargent Jump" also showed significant improvement in both the weekly frequency of 3x and the weekly frequency of 5x per week, in the intragroup comparison. When comparing intergroups, volunteers trained 5x per week presented significantly better performance. In the "Medicine Ball Throw" variable, which characterizes upper limb strength, there were also significant improvements after training, both at weekly frequency of 3x and 5x per week, in intragroup comparisons. The present study allowed to conclude that the results presented by the volunteers, in general, were satisfactory to maintain the health of the evaluated ones.
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