The acute effect of strength exercise and walk in glycemia of a type 2 diabetic sedentary human

  • Fernando Nunes de Lara Programa de Pós - Graduação Lato - Sensu em Fisiologia do Exercí­cio: Prescrição de Exercí­cio da Universidade Gama Filho - UGF. Licenciado em Educação Fí­sica pelo Centro Universitário da FMU
Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, Glycemia, Strength exercise, Walk


Introduction: Diabetes Mellitus is one of the most important world health problems, as much in number of people affected as incapacity and premature mortality, because it attacks many human body areas that can result in retinopathy, nephropathy, stroke, cardiopathy, neuropathy and non-traumatic amputations. Objective: Check the acute effect of strength exercise and walk in glycemia of a type 2 diabetic sedentary human. Method: The sample was a type 2 diabetic human, 63 years old, which was submitted to two different exercises protocols: strength exercises and walk, in alternated days. It was collected samples of capillary glycemia, in five moments: fasting, before training, right after training, one hour and two hours after training. Results: The table below shows the pre and post exercise capillary glycemia values on different modalities, in mg/dl: Hour 09:30 a.m. - Before training; Strength 377; Walk 411. Hour 10:15 a.m. - Right after training; Strength 347; Walk 299. Hour 11:15 a.m. - 1 Hour after training; Strength 291; Walk 257. Hour 12:15 a.m. - 2 hour after training; Strength 272; Walk185. Conclusion: It was concluded that the aerobic exercise (walk) had a better result than the strength exercise, because it reduced the glycemia in 55% after two hours training, against 28% of weight training, but both are beneficial to the diabetic, where their effects keep inside the human body for 24 hours, proving in this way, the importance of a physical exercise everyday to get an expressive result and keep the glycemia in ideal values.


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How to Cite
de Lara, F. N. (2011). The acute effect of strength exercise and walk in glycemia of a type 2 diabetic sedentary human. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 3(15). Retrieved from
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