Effect of the agreed training of endurance on the muscular force after to carry through race of 21 minutes
A great concern with the exists interference of agreed training that provokes practiced different physiological adaptations in the same session or is placed in a planning the medium or long stated period (periodization of the training). The objective was to verify the possible interference of the race of 21 minute 70% of the cardiac frequency of reserve on the subsequent training of force. Had been selected eight men young (26.3 years 176.8 cm; 75.7 kg). We determine 80% of the maximum load after accomplishment of the test of a maximum repetition (1-RM). It with shunting line was compared average standard of the maximum repetitions carried through in the exercise of horizontal supine and the exercise of leg press 45° 80% of 1-RM and the maximum repetitions carried through in the exercise of horizontal supine and the exercise of leg press 45° 80% of 1-RM after a race of 21 minutes, with objective to verify possible interference of the race in the force training. Test 1 presented the following number for maximum repetitions 80% of 1-RM: 9.5 ±1.6. Test 2 presented the following number of maximum repetitions after 80% of 1RM 21 minutes of race 70% of the FCR: 8.6 ± 0.7. Difference did not meet significant, when compared with the maximum repetitions daily pay and after tests, but they had been described decrease in the numbers of repetitions. We conclude that the protocols adopted in this study had not been capable to cause lesser performances in the muscular force after race of 21 minutes 70% of the cardiac frequency of reserve.
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