Action of the regular physical exercises in the control of the anxiety in different populations
Objective: To always identify through a bibliographical research the influence of the regular physical exercises in the combat to the symptoms of the anxiety in populations with variations of characteristics, having in common the presence of considerable levels of anxiety, and the search of the reduction of such levels through practical the regular one of physical exercises. Revision of Literature: 20 national studies had been used, involving samples of both the gender, in varied age bands, being 10 studies involving healthful individuals and others 10 presenting samples with pathology differentiated associates the anxiety. Each one of the studies evaluated the influence of the application of a program of regular physical exercises in the anxiety levels, comprise aerobic, resisted, sporting, recreation exercises and of leisure. The research had disclosed the occurrence of some instruments used in the verification of the anxiety levels, as the Inventory of Anxiety Trace-state (IDATE), Z-Test - Technique of Zulliger, Inventory of Symptoms of Stress of Lipp (ISSL), Scale of Anxiety-I trace competitive (SCAT), Inventory of Beck for Anxiety (BAI) and Geriatrical scale of Depression. How much to the result of the studies, half of them verified significant reduction in the levels of anxiety through the practical one of regular physical exercises, and to another half it presented discrete reduction or no reduction of these levels. Conclusion: One concludes that really beneficial effect of the regular physical exercises in the anxiety levels, associate or not with other pathology.
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