The quality de life and well-being of the aged ones: a comparative analysis between sedentary and practicing of physical exercise through protocol SF-36
The aging, relentless process to the alive beings, leads to a progressive loss of functional aptitudes of the organism, increasing the sedentary risk. Due to the unquestionable reality of the initiate demographic transformations in the last century and that you/they make to observe us more and more a population aged, the importance is evidenced of guaranteeing to the seniors not only a larger life, but also a good life quality. This work had as objective analyzes the life quality between sedentary senior patients and apprentices of physical exercise through the questionnaire SF-36. The questionnaire was applied in 30 senior patients, being 15 apprentices of physical (hydrotherapy) exercise and 15 no apprentices. The obtained results evidenced in all of the items of the questionnaire a better life quality to the practicing individuals of physical exercise. The data demonstrate correlation between physical exercise and life quality.
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