Neurophysiological and biomechanical mechanisms of the reactive strength training and use of the Kinovea® software for accompany this session

  • Nelson Kautzner Marques Junior Universidade Castelo Branco (UCB), Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brasil
Keywords: Sport, Strength training, Plyometric training, Vertical jump


The objective of the review was to explain the neurophysiological and biomechanical mechanisms of the reactive strength training and to teach how to use Kinovea® software in this session. The review was divided into three chapters. The chapter 1 was taught biomechanics of the lower limbs during reactive strength training, the chapter 2 the theme was the mechanical components of the muscle work and the chapter 3 the explanation was about use of the Kinovea® software in that session. In conclusion, the reactive strength training was taught in this review for the coach can acquire a theoretical and practical knowledge with the objective of prescribes this session accordingly.

Author Biography

Nelson Kautzner Marques Junior, Universidade Castelo Branco (UCB), Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brasil

Mestre em Ciência da Motricidade Humana pela UCB do RJ, Brasil


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How to Cite
Marques Junior, N. K. (2020). Neurophysiological and biomechanical mechanisms of the reactive strength training and use of the Kinovea® software for accompany this session. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 13(84), 589-641. Retrieved from
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