Study the effects of dietary intake of sodium bicarbonate in interval exercises for swimmers
The objective of this research was to verify if the ingestion of sodium bicarbonate in swimmers can buffer the acidosis metabolic in high intensity in interval exercises and observe possible increase in performance. Four sprinters swimmers trained did three sprints of 100 meters free stile in the highest possible intensity. In each sprints it was measured stroke rate and times in 25, 50 meters and total time of 100 meters. At the end of each 100 meters swimmer was observed the heart beating, the perception of trial and the blood lactate concentration. After one week, all the procedure was done again, but now with supplemented individuals. Two swimmers had ingested 0.3g of sodium bicarbonate for kilogram of body mass (experimental group) and two swimmers had ingested 0.045 g at sodium chloride for kilogram of body mass (placebo group).The experimental group show, compared at control group, an medium of fall of times the 6.36%, frequency of braçadas 4.54% in 35 meters an 0.63% in 85 meters, in the perception of trial at 1.52%. And show a medium increase of 2.40% in the heart beating; and 34% in blood lactate concentration. Basing these results it was possible to verify that very intense exercise with duration of approximately 65 seconds can provide muscle fatigue and increase on time’s realization of work. However with a supplementation of sodium bicarbonate it’s possible to obtain better performance, finishing the exercise with a final time lower because the delay in the muscle fatigue.
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