Analysis of the order of the exercises of the inferior members on the number of repetitions

  • Diego Santos Pós-Graduação em Musculação e Treinamento de Força - UGF - RJ, Brasil
  • Verena Costa Pós-Graduação em Musculação e Treinamento de Força - UGF - RJ, Brasil
  • João Manochio Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Escola de Educação Fí­sica e Desportos (EEFD/UFRJ) - RJ, Brasil
  • Sandro Legey Souza Laboratório de Biociências da Motricidade Humana, Universidade Castelo Branco, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  • Roberto Simão Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Escola de Educação Fí­sica e Desportos (EEFD/UFRJ) - RJ, Brasil
  • Humberto Miranda Pós-Graduação em Musculação e Treinamento de Força - UGF - RJ, Brasil. Universidade do Vale do Paraí­ba - UNIVAP. Instituto de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento - IP&D. São José dos Campos - SP, Brasil
Keywords: Resistance exercises, Flexor table, Seated calf, Maximum repetitions


The objective was to verify the influence of order on the number of repetitions, involving lower-body. The subjects consisted 15 males trained (23.4 ± 1.9 years; 176.4 ± 6.4 cm; 76.8 ± 5.3 kg). The study lasted for four days not consecutive, separated by 72 hours. After obtaining the load during the 10RM test, each assessed held two separate sequences with 3 sets of 10RM to concentric failure, with intervals of 3 minutes between sets and repetitions. The following table were leg curl (LC) and seated calf (SC) as the sequence B the order was reversed. Used, the paired t test with significance level 0.05. SC The exercise showed no change on the volume for two orders (A – 25.9 ± 1.5; B – 25.8 ± 1.4), while LC showed significant drop in performance when performed after the SC (A – 26.2 ± 1.5; B – 16.8 ± 1.9). Our results corroborate the recommendation to the start of the sessions training for more groups.


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How to Cite
Santos, D., Costa, V., Manochio, J., Souza, S. L., Simão, R., & Miranda, H. (2011). Analysis of the order of the exercises of the inferior members on the number of repetitions. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 3(16). Retrieved from
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