Analysis of the hypertrophy of the brachial biceps comparing the methods drop set force training and vascular occlusion

  • Bruno Henrique Matheus Departamento de Educação Fí­sica, Faculdades integradas ASMEC (UNISEP), Ouro Fino-MG, Brasil.
  • Eder Beletato Pereira Departamento de Educação Fí­sica, Faculdades integradas ASMEC (UNISEP), Ouro Fino-MG, Brasil.
  • Diego Pereira Jerônimo Departamento de Educação Fí­sica, Faculdades integradas ASMEC (UNISEP), Ouro Fino-MG, Brasil. Faculdade de Educação Fí­sica, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas-SP, Brasil.
Keywords: Vascular Occlusion, Training with Vascular Occlusion, Training Methods, Kaatsu Training, Drop Set


The objective of this study was to compare the strength, performance, intensity, and hypertrophy parameters between two strength training methods: vascular occlusion (OV) and drop set (DS). The sample was consisted by 16 healthy men who were trained at least one yearin strength training, not supplemented, aged between 19 and 31 years old. The subjects were randomly divided into two groups, vascular occlusion group (GOV) and drop set group (GDS). During 6 sessions of brachial biceps training, three exercises were done: dumbbell curl, alternating dumbbell curl and dumbbell hammer curl. To rate the desired levels, 1 RM test were tested in all exercises, also load datas were collected, heart rate (FC) and internal training load (CIT) were performed. In the 1 RM test pre and post raining, considering the average of the three exercises, we observed that there was an increase of 6.4% in the GOV and in the GDS of 10.7%. Comparing to the average load, GDS had a value of 656.52 kg which was significantly higher than the GOV = 420.62 kg, but the load evolution was similar between the groups (GDS evolved 12.7% considering 88.54 kg, the GOV evolved 19.7%, representing 88.57 kg). The heart rate of the Session (FC session) of GDS (137.20 bpm) and GOV (106.35 PBM) were significantly greater in relation to the time-out (GDS = 75.38 bpm and GOV = 72.68 bpm), however the GDS presented a higher FC Session than the GOV. The CIT of the GDS was significantly greater than the GOV. The present study identified low FC and lower CIT in GOV, but the same evolution in the DS method in the parameters of strength and performance, thus, the OV method can be very effective in the prescription of the training for subjects with restrictions.


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How to Cite
Matheus, B. H., Pereira, E. B., & Jerônimo, D. P. (2020). Analysis of the hypertrophy of the brachial biceps comparing the methods drop set force training and vascular occlusion. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 13(88), 1332-1339. Retrieved from
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