Study of the heart rate variability in two interleaved training sessions based on the walk-run transition speed
Introduction: The heart rate variability (HRV) is modeled by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Its answers to the protocols of an interleaved training session which are dependent of the transition speed are not known. Aim: To compare the answer of the HRV in two distinct interleaved training sessions dependent of the transition speed. Material and method: 15 asymptomatic individuals, 12 of them are women (41±6 years old, 67±kg e 161±8cm) who were randomly submitted to two protocols of training on a treadmill, with stimulus of 30 seconds and active regain of 90 seconds. Protocol number 1 (PT1) consisted by walking at the transition speed and regain in jogging at the same speed. On Protocol 2 (PT2) those individuals used to walk on the transition speed and they used to regain by walking 0,5 km/h under the transition speed. The HRV was determined by the “Poincaré Plot” (rates SD1 and SD2) of the monitor of HR Polar S810i (Polar, Finland). It was used the paired Student t- test. It was considered a level of significance of 5% and a break of confidence of 95% through Primer 4.0 software (McGraw-Hill, EUA). Results: PT2 showed significant HRV lower than PT1 to SD1 (189,9±116,5 m vs. 86,6±85,4 m; p=0,001, IC95% = 48,4 to 158,3) and to SD2 as well (226,1±136,8 m vs. 109,3±109,5 m; p<0,001, IC95% = 12,9 to 28,6). Conclusion: The HRV was bigger on PT1, what suggests that walking at 0,5 km/h under the transition speed is a more intense exercise than jogging at the transition speed.
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