Force levels in member up of adults over 50 years of the municipality of Cocoal/RO

  • Alan Sérgio S. Candeia Graduando em Educação Fí­sica - Faculdade de Ciências Biomédicas de Cacoal - FACIMED/RO
  • Weliton Nunes Soares Professor do Curso de Educação Fí­sica - FACIMED/RO
  • Rafael Ayres Romanholo Professor do Curso de Educação Fí­sica - FACIMED/RO
Keywords: Hand grip, Strength, Aging


The aim of this study was to analyze the profile of the manual apprehension strength in men and women over 50 years old in Cacoal-RO. There were 36 men and 48 women aged between 52 and 89 years old, those who attend the Elderly Beneficent Association of Cacoal every Friday morning. Analyzing both groups separately there were superior strength in the male group compared to the women group. Analyzing the age group between 50-59, 60-69, 70-79 and 80-89, it was verified that there were also a strength difference between men and women. Still analyzing the age groups, it was observed that there was a declination in strength in both sexes according to the age, seeing that this declination was smaller in women.


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How to Cite
Candeia, A. S. S., Soares, W. N., & Romanholo, R. A. (2011). Force levels in member up of adults over 50 years of the municipality of Cocoal/RO. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 3(16). Retrieved from
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