Body autoimage of male sex physician athletes in the city of Teresina-PI
Introduction: Bodybuilding athletes have the body as a working tool and are subject to distortion in their body self-image, becoming susceptible to the development of syndromes, often putting their own lives at risk in detriment of an aesthetic standard unattainable. Objective: To identify the satisfaction of bodybuilders athletes regarding body self-image. Methods: This is a quantitative research with a sample of 20 male athletes, aged between 18 and 59 years old, living in Teresina-PI, affiliated to the Piauiense Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness (FEPIMFF). competed for at least 2 years. To collect the data the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ34) and the silhouettes scale were used. Results: The results of the silhouetted scale revealed that 90% of bodybuilders are dissatisfied with their current silhouette and wish to obtain a body image with a lower body fat index and a higher volume of muscle mass. The results obtained through the BSQ34 questionnaire showed that 70% of bodybuilders did not show any type of dissatisfaction with their body shape. Conclusion: In the studied sample, in spite of the high index of dissatisfaction with the body image measured by the silhouettes scale, the bodybuilder athletes did not present any disturbances related to the body image, they only wanted to have a silhouette of greater muscular volume. The knowledge produced through this study contributed to the understanding of the body image of bodybuilders and possible repercussions on their health.
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