Influence of the general and specific warm-ups on the upper body strength

  • Adriano Neves Nader Pós-Graduação em Musculação e Treinamento de Força - UGF - RS - Brasil
  • Andrey Murilo Galdino da Silva Pós-Graduação em Musculação e Treinamento de Força - UGF - RS - Brasil
  • Helder Novais Barreto da Rocha Pós-Graduação em Musculação e Treinamento de Força - UGF - RS - Brasil
  • Christianne Pereira Giesbrecht Chaves Pós-Graduação em Musculação e Treinamento de Força - UGF - RS - Brasil. UTAD - Universidade de Trás os Montes e Alto Douro - Portugal. UNIBENNETT - Metodista do Rio. IBMR - Centro Universitário Hermí­nio da Silveira
  • Humberto Miranda Pós-Graduação em Musculação e Treinamento de Força - UGF - RS - Brasil. Universidade do Vale do Paraí­ba - UNIVAP. Instituto de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento - São José dos Campos
  • Roberto Simão Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Escola de Educação Fí­sica e Desportos-UFRJ
  • Belmiro Freitas de Salles Pós-Graduação em Musculação e Treinamento de Força - UGF - RS - Brasil
Keywords: Heating, Strength training, Exercise, Performance


The aim of the present study was to verify the behavior of the muscular force in the bench press exercise after general and specific warm-ups. Participated in the study nine physically actives men (23.6±2.2 years; 77.7±6.6 kg; 170±10 cm), with an experience in strength training at least six months. The individuals were submitted to four sessions of collection of data accomplished in no consecutive days with intervals from 48 to 72 hours. In the first and second sessions, the test and retest of eight repetitions maximum (8RM) was accomplished and on third and fourth sessions were applied the training protocols that consisted of the accomplishment of the general or specify warm up and the subsequent accomplishment of three sets in the bench press exercise. To verify if there was difference between the numbers of repetitions maximum for sets intra and inter sessions, an ANOVA two-way for repeated measures was used, following by the post hoc Fisher LSD test when necessary, and to verify the differences in the total volumes of repetitions maximum produced the students test-t was used (p <0.05). It could be concluded that the two forms of warm ups, general and specific, can be used, because there was not significant difference in relation to the levels of force.


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How to Cite
Nader, A. N., Silva, A. M. G. da, Rocha, H. N. B. da, Chaves, C. P. G., Miranda, H., Simão, R., & Salles, B. F. de. (2011). Influence of the general and specific warm-ups on the upper body strength . Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 3(18). Retrieved from
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