Music influence on performance of weight training practitioners

  • Alana Simões Bezerra Centro Universitário de Patos-UNIFIB, Brasil.
  • Raphael Antunes Sarmento Centro Universitário de Patos-UNIFIB, Brasil.
Keywords: Bodybuilding, Music, Academies


Considering that much has been said about the influence that music can have on the performance of bodybuilders, since it has motivational action in the practice of this physical activity. This study aims to analyze the perception of bodybuilders about the influence of music on performance during training. This is a field research, exploratory and quantitative approach, 100 participants of weight training of both sexes, aged between 18 and 30 years, from the academies of the city of Patos-PB participated in the study. As instrument, a semi-structured questionnaire with 10 objective questions was used. The data analysis was done in the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS, version 25). In this way, it was observed that the results showed an improvement in the performance of the practitioners, most of them listen to music during the day as well as in bodybuilding. The preferred styles were forró, sertanejo and electronic. The most heard style in the body was electronic, it was also verified that the songs of the academies have met the expectations of the practitioners, and the biggest reason to listen to music during the training was the motivation. This allows us to conclude that music plays an important role because it directly influences the performance and motivation of bodybuilders, making the practice more pleasant, emphasizing the importance that it should meet the expectations of the listeners.


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How to Cite
Bezerra, A. S., & Sarmento, R. A. (2021). Music influence on performance of weight training practitioners. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 14(92), 573-578. Retrieved from
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