The social profile and of professionals' work that they act with gymnastics of academy and his knowledge’s on the prescription of the exercises for pupils' different types
There is today, that the exercise sessions of academia is changing the business model of fitness centers. This study aimed to delineate the social profile and work of professionals who work with the gymnastics academy and describe their knowledge about the prescription of exercises for different types of students. This is a descriptive study. The sample had 94 participants while they were professors of gymnastics academy for analysis of the questionnaire, where they took some home and delivered a week later and replied and gave after receiving the questionnaire. Data analysis was descriptive statistics. Were issues which outlined the social profile of teachers of gymnastics academy, and 50% are completed with the graduation and 50% in progress and 22% are with completed post-graduate and 3% are in progress in which courses by private institutions formed 82% of the participants. The study also has knowledge of them on the prescription of exercises for different types of students in one class of gymnastics. The difficulty of the training plan and identify the lessons in gymnastics, as seen in this study is very common among the teachers of this modality, although all participants have a good knowledge on this topic.
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