Effects of a Playful Exercise Program on the Body Mass Index modifiability in overweight and obese children in a school in the city of Maputo-Mozambique: Study in students of both sexes at Colégio Arco Íris

  • Félix Salvador Chavane Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Moçambique
  • Jose Luis Sousa Manjate Direção Provincial de Educação e Desenvolvimento Humano de Maputo-Moçambique, Moçambique
  • Leonardo Lucio Nhantumbo Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Moçambique
Keywords: Playful Exercises, BMI, Overweight, Obesity


Introduction: Research in the context of intervention focused on the control of overweight and obesity is currently increasingly urgent. However, evidence regarding the contextual reality of Mozambique is small. Objectives: to investigate the effect of a Playful Exercises (PE) program on the modifiability of the Body Mass Index (BMI). Materials and Methods: sample consisting of 68 children of both sexes, with an average age of 9.60 ± 2.12 years, divided into two groups, Experiment (EG) and Control (CG), were submitted to an EL program administered in the school context, once a week, lasting 90 minutes per session, for 9 weeks. The classification of overweight and obesity followed the criteria of (WHO, 2006). Weight and height, for calculating BMI, were measured using a digital scale with attached statiometer. The data were analyzed statistically in the SPSS program, version 22.0, to a significance level of 0.05, using basic descriptive statistics, analysis of variance ANOVA, Bonferroni was used for multiple comparisons before. Results: the BMI showed a significant decline in its mean values over the duration of the intervention in both groups and genders (p<0.001), but with interaction between the moments of significant assessment only in the EG (p=0.053). Conclusion: a positive variation in BMI values was evident as a result of the applied EL program, thus confirming its influence on the modifiability of this health indicator in the EG, especially in girls.


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How to Cite
Chavane, F. S., Manjate, J. L. S., & Nhantumbo, L. L. (2022). Effects of a Playful Exercise Program on the Body Mass Index modifiability in overweight and obese children in a school in the city of Maputo-Mozambique: Study in students of both sexes at Colégio Arco Íris. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 15(97), 263-272. Retrieved from https://www.rbpfex.com.br/index.php/rbpfex/article/view/2379
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