Three weeks of pre-season improve speed capabilities and anaerobic power in football athletes?

  • Karina Alves da Silva Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Brasil.
  • John Vitor Fagundes de Moraes Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Brasil.
  • Cleisson Morelli Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Brasil.
Keywords: Football, Athletic performance, Exercise


In the pre-season the main focus is to enable the development of physical abilities and physiological variables for the competitions to come. The objective was to investigate the effects of a pre-season on speed and anaerobic power capacities in football athletes. The sample was composed of 14 male athletes (23.4 ±6.1 years old; 78.5 ±9.1 kg; 180.5 ±7.2 cm), members of a football team from Paraná. The individuals were submitted to two moments of evaluations. In the first visit they were instructed to sign a consent form and to fill out an anamnesis form. Afterwards, they underwent anthropometric evaluation and speed and rast tests. After three weeks of pre-season training the initial tests were reapplied. Normality was verified using the Shapiro-wilk test. Where there was a parametric distribution the dependent t-test was applied. The Wilcoxon test was used to analyze the non-parametric comparison. Effect size was calculated from Cohen's d-test. The results showed that there was significant improvement in speed (p: 0.001); peak power (p: 0.000); average power (p: 0.001); minimum power (p: 0.006); relative power (p: 0.000); relative average power (p: 0.001) and sprints time (p: 0.000). For the fatigue index there was no significant improvement (p: 0.221). It can be concluded that the training configuration adopted during the pre-season period was enough to promote improvement in speed, anaerobic power and sprints performance time parameters, without significantly changing the fatigue index.


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How to Cite
Silva, K. A. da, Moraes, J. V. F. de, & Morelli, C. (2023). Three weeks of pre-season improve speed capabilities and anaerobic power in football athletes?. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 16(102), 182-191. Retrieved from
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