The reason that makes people practice physical exercise

  • Rogério Ohf Programa de Pós Graduação Lato Sensu da Universidade Gama - Filho em Fisiologia do Exercí­cio: Prescrição do Exercí­cio Fí­sico. Graduação em Educação Fí­sica pelo Instituto Educacional Luterano Bom Jesus IELUSC
  • Tadiana Maria Alves Moreira Docente do curso de Educação Fí­sica do Instituto Educacional Luterano Bom Jesus IELUSC
Keywords: Physical exercises, Gyms


The general goal of this project was to analyzethe reasons that make people practice physical exercises according to the age of certain groups. The research is descriptive. The focus of this project were the athletes enrolled in Maxi Gym center, in the city of Joinville-SC, the sample was made with 92 athletes divided in 5 groups: group 1 with athletes at the age between 18 to 29 years old; group 2, athletes between 30 to 39; group 3, students between 40 to 49; group 4 between 50 to 59; and group 5, athletes at the age of 60 or more. The data collected were analyzeddescriptively, using the technique of analysis of content. According to the general goal of this research, the majority of the athletes practice physical exercise to improve or to maintainhealth and quality of life and to improve the physical conditioning. Among the specificgoals, the majority of the athletes only lift weight or practice more than one kind of exercise, and concerning to age groups, the major goals of the participants are not so different. Teenagers, adults orolder people, all of them, worry about health and quality of life. The conclusion of this project is that people are really worried about maintaininghealth and quality of their daily lives. For this, we suggest more projects with the same goals in different places of Brazil.


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How to Cite
Ohf, R., & Moreira, T. M. A. (2012). The reason that makes people practice physical exercise. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 4(23). Retrieved from
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