The effect of two training protocols on the leg press 45º, one bilaterally and the other unilaterally, in reducing the strength deficit between lower limbs

  • Airon Lima Medeiros Universidade Potiguar, Caicó-RN, Brasil.
  • José Francisco da Silva Universidade Potiguar, Caicó-RN, Brasil.
Keywords: Resistance training, Strength deficit, Leg press 45º, Unilateral training, Bilateral training


Resistance training has become one of the most popular forms of exercise to improve the physical fitness and conditioning of athletes. The leg press 45º is a very used exercise, in which it is trained bilaterally and unilaterally, but when performed unilaterally, a drop in performance is noticed, since it is expected to be able to lift half the weight, when based on load used bilaterally. Objective: to determine the level of strength deficit between lower limbs, and to verify the effect of two training protocols on the 45º leg press, bilaterally and unilaterally, in reducing the strength deficit. Materials and Methods: This is a randomized and cross-sectional cohort experimental clinical trial carried out at Academia Olimpo (Caicó-RN). 1RM test and maximum repetitions test were performed. The study included 6 young and adult men, with at least one year of training experience. Results: There was no statistical difference in the pre- and post-test between groups (p>0.05). Both groups showed that there was no statistical difference between the right and left legs after the intervention. Effect size in both groups was relevant. The group that trained bilaterally had a larger effect size than the unilateral group. Conclusion: Both protocols were sufficient to cause an improvement in the lower limb strength deficit. It was possible to see that bilateral training had a better response in improving the deficit when the effect size was observed.


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How to Cite
Medeiros, A. L., & Silva, J. F. da. (2023). The effect of two training protocols on the leg press 45º, one bilaterally and the other unilaterally, in reducing the strength deficit between lower limbs. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 17(109), 252-258. Retrieved from
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