A new indirect method to determine critical velocity applicable in gym swimmers

  • Renan Marcondes Porto Academia Enforma, Brasil.
  • Alessandro Pierucci Universidade do Oeste Paulista – UNOESTE, Brasil.
  • Pedro Pugliesi Abdalla Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil.
  • Anderson dos Santos Carvalho Universidade Paulista, Brasil.
  • Jair Rodrigues Garcia Júnior Universidade do Oeste Paulista - UNOESTE, Brasil.
Keywords: Swimming, Critical Speed, Training, Aerobic Capacity


The aim of this study was to verify whether the critical velocity (CV) can replace the measurement of the Anaerobic Threshold (AT) velocity in gym swimmers who are physically active and moderately trained. This is a quantitative and experimental research. The study included 13 male and female young adult volunteers aged between 18 and 30 years, practicing swimming training for at least one year and with a weekly frequency between three and five times. For data collection, CV tests of 3, 5, and 7 min were performed with intervals of 24 hours between tests (and replicated one week after [re-test]). After these collections, progressive velocity tests were performed with blood samples to estimate the AT velocity. The distances covered in the first and second tests in 3 min (215.4±39.9 and 214.4±41.3 m), in 5 min (330.8 ±63.7 and 333.4 ±65.6 m), and at 7 min (434.1 ±84.3 and 443.6 ±87.2 m) showed no significant differences. The average distance in the first (326.9±61.8 m) and second test (330.4 ±64.0 m), as well as the CV in the first (0.91 ±0.20 m/sec) and second test (0.95 ±0.20 m/sec) were also not statistically different, indicating good reproducibility of the CV test. The CV in the test (0.91 ±0.20 m·s-1) showed significant differences compared to the velocity in the AT (1.00 ±0.19 m·s-1; p=0.009), but the CV in the re-test did not differ from the velocity in the AT (0.95 ± 0.20), there was a difference of only 5% between the velocities. Given the similarity between the results of the first and second tests, we conclude that the CV test is reproducible and can be used in gym swimmers. There is adequate agreement and validity of the CV to replace the AT in assiduous recreational adult swimmers when they are familiar with the CV test (from the second application).


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How to Cite
Porto, R. M., Pierucci, A., Abdalla, P. P., Carvalho, A. dos S., & Garcia Júnior, J. R. (2023). A new indirect method to determine critical velocity applicable in gym swimmers. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 17(110), 280-286. Retrieved from https://www.rbpfex.com.br/index.php/rbpfex/article/view/2742
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