Hydroginastic efficacy on the functional autonomy of individuals: A controlled, pragmatic and double-blind experimental study

  • Milena Trindade Domingues Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Brasil.
  • Laura Santos Gularte Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Brasil.
Keywords: Water aerobics, Elderly


Prezado Editor, We would like to express our opinion on the article entitled "Efficiency of hydroginastics on the functional autonomy of the animals: a controlled, pragmatic and double-blind experimental study" published in your journal. Firstly, we support the authors in carrying out a study that is very important and relevant to the health of educated people, whose population is increasingly numerous in the world and in our country. Hydrogynastics has been shown to be a very effective physical activity to improve the quality of life of the elderly, since it is a low-impact activity that can be carried out by people of all ages with different health conditions, providing a feeling of well-being. e relaxation during the practice. It is noted that regular physical activity is essential for maintaining the health and quality of life of children, and the study presented provides important evidence on the effectiveness of hydrogynastics for the functional autonomy of children. We highlight some important points of the study regarding methodology, demonstration and statistical quality. The study was double-blind and controlled, conferring greater reliability to the results and for the statistical analyzes ANOVA was used for repeated measures within and between groups and the Bonferroni post hoc test to identify the significant differences. Furthermore, the authors controlled possible variations of confusion before the test, making it similar to the variation in physical condition (all of them were not at least 2 months without practicing physical exercise), body mass and performance in the Senior Fitness Test before intervention was also similar between the two. groups. The show was made up of 89 talented people, allocated in three groups, it is worth noting here that we identified an error in the size of the initial and final show described in the article on page 97 that details how the initial show was 102 participants and the final 88, when in reality there were 105 participants In the initial sample and the final 89 year of the study, according to the sample in each of two three groups. Also, the description of both the anthropometric assessment procedures, body composition and planning of the activities of the experimental group are written in a detailed and clear manner, identifying commitment and reliability of the study. Finally, we suggest that new studies be carried out with a larger and more diversified sample, evaluating the effectiveness of hydroginastics in different groups varying in sex, as well as evaluating the effectiveness of hydroginastics over a long period of time, verifying that the results are maintained over a long period of time. . We believe that studies like this are extremely important to encourage the practice of physical activities and promote health and well-being. We once again parabenize the authors for their work and hope that new studies are carried out to further enhance our knowledge on hydrogynastics for this population.

How to Cite
Domingues, M. T., & Gularte, L. S. (2023). Hydroginastic efficacy on the functional autonomy of individuals: A controlled, pragmatic and double-blind experimental study. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 17(111), 478. Retrieved from https://www.rbpfex.com.br/index.php/rbpfex/article/view/2785
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