Comparative study between the flexibility of dance and hydrogymnastics practitioners

  • Joao Lucas da Silva Araujo Dantas Centro Universitário de Patos-UNIFIP. Patos, Paraíba, Brasil.
  • Fabian de Queiroz Centro Universitário de Patos-UNIFIP. Patos, Paraíba, Brasil.
Keywords: Flexibility, Dance, Aquatic Therapeutic Exercise


Flexibility is a necessary ability for a good performance of human functions, even more so in the elderly phase, in which a more sedentary and less active period is concentrated before the functionalities and daily tasks, that is, being flexible becomes something necessary for the good performance of several aspects, such as the performance of movements, carrying objects, performing better stretches, among others, thus being a determining factor in the human experience. The research aims to compare the flexibility of dance and water aerobics practitioners. It is field research, which seeks to understand the levels of flexibility of students. It is a quantitative study. The sample consisted of 26 women, above 60 years old, from the Projeto Vida Ativa, linked to the Physical Education course at UNIFIP in Patos - PB. The Wells bench was used as a test to compare the different levels of the students. The data were quantitatively analyzed using the IBM program, Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), version 25. The results obtained regarding the flexibility levels of the practitioners were: Dance (21.07%) and Hydrogymnastics (20.97%). Thus, it was concluded that there was no significant difference between the levels of the elderly students, standing out the Dance as the highest prevalence of levels in comparison with the Hydrogymnastics.


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How to Cite
Dantas, J. L. da S. A., & Queiroz, F. de. (2023). Comparative study between the flexibility of dance and hydrogymnastics practitioners. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 17(112), 479-484. Retrieved from
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