Effect of the physical exercise and mental training on the attention level and concentration in aged Poçoscaldenses

  • Autran José da Silva Junior Centro Universitário da Fundação Educacional Guaxupé
  • Arthur Paiva Neto Centro Universitário da Fundação Educacional Guaxupé
  • Tiago Marques de Resende Centro Universitário da Fundação Educacional Guaxupé
Keywords: Elderly, Memory, Physical exercise


With the increase in longevity in most countries worldwide, the interest and need to know the aging process and its relationship to physical exercise has become important. So the goal of this study was to compare the attention concentrated among older adults who underwent physical training, cognitive and mixed. 40 volunteers were divided into 4 groups: aerobic (GA: accomplished aerobic training), cognitive group (GCG: cognitive activities performed), group cognitive and aerobic (GCA: held joint training) and control group (CG), attention by battery CEPA Toulouse -Piéron. The results forGA, GCG, GCA and GC before and after 6 weeks of study were 106 to 156 points (up 50 points or 47%), 89 to 112 points (up 23 points or 25%), 132.5 to 162.5 (an increase of 30 points or 23%) and 63 to 63 (increase 0 and 0%). Can be concluded that even in old age, participation in a program of aerobic with cognitive activities can delay cognitive decline characteristic of this age. And that professional health care should encourage such practices aiming not only the health of the body, but especially the health of the cognitive and other brain functions.


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How to Cite
da Silva Junior, A. J., Neto, A. P., & Resende, T. M. de. (2012). Effect of the physical exercise and mental training on the attention level and concentration in aged Poçoscaldenses. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 4(24). Retrieved from https://www.rbpfex.com.br/index.php/rbpfex/article/view/282
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