Strength training and weight loss: systematic review
Background: The world scenario comprises sedentary behaviors and unhealthy eating habits, a fact that affects an increase in body fat and the incidence of multifactorial diseases, such as obesity. According to projections, gym for resistance training is one of the main spaces sought for the practice of physical exercise. Aim: verify the strength training strategies for weight loss in healthy people or in overweight/obese condition, also identify the means of assessment for body composition. Materials and Methods: the terms weight loss OR fat loss OR body fat AND resistance training OR resistance exercise OR strength training, e, perda de gordura OR gordura corporal OR perda de peso OR emagrecimento AND treinamento de força OR treinamento com peso OR musculação, in the databases PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus, SPORTDiscus e LILACS (BVS). Results: Found 3,134 titles in English and 22 in Portuguese. After screening and methodological quality, 17 studies were included. Discussion: The DEXA evaluation method was the most used in the articles (n=13). Weight loss may be effective if performed 2 to 3 times a week, between 3 to 4 sets with equalized volume in the exercises, from 8 to 15 repetitions, at an intensity of repetition maximum (RM) or between 50 to 80% of 1RM. Conclusion: resistance training protocols result in significant differences in body weight, mainly in the increase or maintenance of lean mass and decrease in fat mass, but there is no evidence to support the superiority of strength training over other types of physical exercises.
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