Index of cardiovascular disease in patients necropsia the service verification of death

  • Adriano Eugenio Vittore Faculdades Integradas São Pedro - FAESA. Curso de Enfermagem - Vitória/ES
  • Danilo Ferraz Aguiar Faculdades Integradas São Pedro - FAESA. Curso de Enfermagem - Vitória/ES
  • Daniel Nogueira Folador Secretaria Municipal de Esportes e Lazer SEMESP/PMV - Vitória/ES
  • Luis Antonio da Silva Instituto Federal do Espí­rito Santo - IFES Vitória/ES
  • Newton Nunes Instituto do Coração - InCor/SP, HC - FMUSP
  • Wânia Ribeiro Trindade Faculdades Integradas São Pedro - FAESA. Curso de Enfermagem - Vitória/ES
Keywords: Hypertension, Risk factors, Cardiovascular diseases


The office of verification of deaths (SVO) is responsible for clariflying the causes of explained deaths in the state of Espírito Santo (ES). Deaths from cardiovascular disease CVD in the most case are confirmed by autopsy. The highest incidence of cases from this service is represented by the population of the urban area where the incidence is higher in older adults between 39 and 79 years old, these citizens of lower social classes. This high incidence is possibly related to lifestyle, diet, physical inactivity, stress, lack of acess of social groups to the information on how to prevent this disease. CVD is the most common cause of morbility and mortality among these people especially in developed coutries. Analysing the rate cardiovascular disease in patients from Vitória (ES) who underwent autopsies (SVD) between January and April 2009. The reseach shows descriptive quantity field study was conduted on the data reports of necropsia and issues related to family history, lifestyle, respective the total anonymity. This study enabled us to analyze the number of deaths from (CVD) in the state of ES, occupied the first place on the causes of death, and the 300 patients who underwent autopsy were 96 deaths due to CVD main case. This death rate may be related to lifestyle that led to your daily lifestyle that in our study showed a rate of 95%.


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How to Cite
Vittore, A. E., Aguiar, D. F., Folador, D. N., da Silva, L. A., Nunes, N., & Trindade, W. R. (2012). Index of cardiovascular disease in patients necropsia the service verification of death. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 5(25). Retrieved from
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