Behavior of the cyclical speed of young athletes submitted to training periodized

  • Mário Luí­s de Almeida Leme Mestrando em Educação Fí­sica - UNIMEP
  • Ídico Luiz Pellegrinotti Mestrado em Educação Fí­sica/FACIS - UNIMEP
  • Maria Imaculada de Lima Montebelo FACEN/Métodos Quantitativos - UNIMEP. Piracicaba - São Paulo - Brasil
Keywords: Athletics, Training, Periodization, Speed, Assessment and teenagers


This study had as objective of analyzing the behavior of the speed and the influence of the periodized program applied for adolescents athletics practices. Nine athletes were selected, with age between 15 and 16 years (n=9). The project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee (REC) -UNIMEP, number 59/2009. With the objective to identifymotor performance of the athletes' cyclical speed, four evaluations were accomplished (A1, A2, A3 and A4), in the distance of 30 meters. The athletes were submitted to the Matveev’s periodization model, of 18 microcycles, with 54 units of training, three times a week and with duration of approximately 60 minutes.For the treatment of the data, it was used the descriptive statistics ANOVA F, repetitive measures of test of Post-hoc of LSD and test of Bonferroni with level of significance of p <0.05. The data were processed using the Statistical Package for Sciences (SPSS) for Windows, version 13.0. The results evidenced significant improvement in the speed in the 30 metersof A1 for A4 (p=0.01) and of A2 for A4 (p=003). Conclusion: The program presented adequate for sensitive phases of young athletes and propitious to the improvement of the motor capacities on the phase maturation of athletes practicing of the athletics.


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How to Cite
Leme, M. L. de A., Pellegrinotti, Ídico L., & Montebelo, M. I. de L. (2012). Behavior of the cyclical speed of young athletes submitted to training periodized. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 5(26). Retrieved from
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