Blood pressure and heart beats behavior analysis in adult men during and after a tennis match
Introduction: Physical activity is important not only to decrease risksof cardiovascular diseases, like hypertension, but also to develop the cardio respiratory capacity. Aim: The goal of this study was to verify if a tennis match played by men above 35-years-old reaches the training rate of heart beats expected for this ageand if a post-exercise hypotensive effect occurs. Material and Methodology: The sample was composed of 13 (thirteen) 48,92-year-old men with 83,5 Kg and 1,75m. The 13 men play tennis for 13,92 years, 2,23 times a week. There were 3 medicated hypertensive and 10 normotensive men. The participants played a tennis match for 60 minutes. The blood pressure and heart beats measures were taken before the match, after 5 minutes of rest. During the match, the blood pressure was taken each 15 minutes and the heart beats were monitored with 10, 15, 25, 30, 40, 45, 55 and 60 minutes. After the match, the blood pressure and the heart beats were measured with 15 and 30 minutes of rest. Results and Discussion: The participants heart beats reaches the training frequency predicted for their ages according to American College of Sports of Medicine and a post-exercise hypotensive was registered in the normotensive individuals. Conclusion: A tennis match played in a recreational form for 60 minutes has a hypotensive effect in normotensive above 35-years-old men and could help hypertensive and normotensive men to develop and maintain their cardio respiratory capacity.
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